Mail Order Service Terms And Conditions
Data Accuracy
It is our policy to ensure the data we hold about you is correct. When placing an order online or by phone, please ensure you give us correct information. Incorrect information may result in your order being delayed or in the case of an incorrect address, may be lost. In this case, we are not responsible for the loss.
We do not store card data of any kind we only store your contact details for despatch purposes. All payments via our on-line ordering system are handled through our third party payment provider.
We know of any documented cases of credit card fraud using our shopping system over the internet.
Advertised Prices
Prices, offers and products are inclusive of VAT and are subject to availability and may change.
Every effort is made to ensure that the description and prices we advertise are correct. On rare occasions descriptions or advertised prices can be incorrect. This is never intentional. The most common cause of this is a supplier changing their prices and is beyond our control. In these circumstances, we will contact you to make sure it is ok to proceed with the order at the new price. E&OE.
We try to ensure prices in magazine adverts are correct at the time the advert is submitted to the publishers but prices can be out of date by the time magazines are printed. The web site is constantly being updated and is a more reliable source of information.
Payment Of Goods
When an order is placed, the account used to pay is debited automatically whether it be credit/debit card or Paypal. We accept Mastercard, Visa, Solo and Switch/Maestro. We do not accept payment by Visa Electron or American Express.
If something becomes unavailable, we may offer you an alternative, but will always contact and agree with you first, but please note we do not part ship.
Order Ammendments
Ammendments to Online orders can be made up untill the time the order has been marked as dispatched. After this time no orders can or will be ammended/combined unless prior agreement has been reached with one of our sales staff via telephone only.
Diligent IT Limited trading as Kings Lynn Model Shop
Business Address
Kings Lynn Model Shop
Red Gables
Wisbech Road
Walpole St Andrew
PE14 7LH
Registered Office
Magma House
16 Davy Court,
Castle Mound Way,
CV23 0UZ
Company No. 05446164